Welcome to BlueBiteBlogs.com, where our love for blue cheese is bolder than the mold on a wedge of Roquefort

Paul Simon

Paul Simon

Hi there, my name is Paul Simon and I’m a passionate blue cheese maker. I grew up in Auvergne, France, in there I learned about blue cheese making and perfected my skills. I was first exposed to the flavors and aromas of blue cheese at a very young age - and it just blew me away!


Hello! I’m Paul Simon, a devoted blue cheese maker from the heart of Auvergne, France. My journey into the world of blue cheese began in the lush, green pastures of my hometown, where I first encountered the rich flavors and captivating aromas of this unique cheese.

As a child, the taste of locally made blue cheese was a revelation, sparking a lifelong passion. I immersed myself in the traditional art of cheese-making, learning from the skilled artisans in my community. Over the years, I perfected my craft, blending time-honored techniques with my personal touch.

Today, I am proud to share my passion for blue cheese with you. Each batch I create is a celebration of flavor, tradition, and the joy of artisanal cheese-making. I invite you to discover the distinctive taste of my handcrafted blue cheeses, born from a blend of local heritage and personal dedication.

Thank you for joining me on this flavorful journey.

Warm regards,

Paul Simon

What is Blue Cheese?

What Makes Blue Cheese ‘Blue’? As a blue cheese enthusiast, I find myself often explaining

french roquefort cheese with olives on a dark background moldy cheese with olives blue cheese on black background